Friday, December 21, 2007


Georgia Mink
December 12, 2007
Sec: 8,9

Huckleberry Finn??
What kind of books should be read in high school? Should Huckleberry Finn be taught in school? I don’t think so because it uses improper language, it may offend people’s beliefs, and it can influence younger children in the wrong way.
At the time I was reading the story, I noticed there were multiple grammar errors: misspelled words and incorrect punctuation. As I continued to read, I grasped the knowledge that this illiterate usage of writing was done on purpose. “No, but I ben rich wunst.” “Aint you a sweet scented dandy, though.” You never start a start a sentence with “aint”, especially when writing a book. The inaccurate spelling is obvious to observe. What if your child reads this indecorous language and this becomes a habit in their everyday life?
As you know, everyone has different beliefs. Everyone does not believe in Heaven and Hell. If highly religious people are engaged in reading Huck Finn, there’s a chance it could offend them because in the book they practice Christianity. We don’t all believe in the same God.
Huckleberry Finn influences kids in the wrong way. My younger cousin, in the 3rd grade, was reading Huckleberry Finn and now he walks around and imitates the language practiced in the book. He calls people his “bigger nigger”. I don’t think that is appropriate.
In conclusion, Huck Finn should not be taught in school because it displays improper grammar, goes against beliefs, and influences people in the wrong way. Why should Huck Finn be taught?

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A Night At The Ncc

At the Constitution Center we were discussing juvenile cases.The man on the end(i forgot his name) talked about how he had a "friend" who asked to use his phone so he let him into his house to use the phone while he continued to get ready for work. He then heard some foul words and ordered the boy to get out of his house. Ten minutes later, the police came and knocked on the door. He was then taken into custody. He was charged with luminous calls (i think it was). He got 10 years in prison when he was only supposed to get 30 days and a $50 fine. Another case was where a teenage girl set up a myspace page making threats to her principal. The cops called her house and told her mom about the situation. They got upset when her mother asked for a lawyer and they told her if she was to do that then they would file her with more charges. The mom hung up. It was reported and the teenager was charged. She was separated from her mother for 2 weeks, then she was sent to a juvenile camp for bad kids. If i were to ever get arrested for anything i would not talk unless i have a lawyer. There alot of things that you can get in trouble for that you don't even know of. Cops discriminate when it comes to children. For some reason they us worse than the adults. So kids, please don't get in trouble with the law.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Algebra Newsletter

My focus was algebra!! Algebras fun Algebras cool, I learn Algebra at my School!!! I really think i did a good good on this project. I stated lots of facts and i included my own personal experience. Well I'm going to give away all the goods!! If you want to see my newsletter see Ms.D in 204. Much Love!!

Cat and the Hat

In my "Cat in the Hat" essay i just describe how the kids were the "Id, the Ego, and the Superego". I really didn't do to much on that essay because i found it kind of difficult to interpret a children's story. I didn't get past the rough draft, which i graded myself on and got a 2.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Philosopy Of Government 2

In my POG 2 i stated that the Constitution was effective in defending the freedom of the people because it enables the people too speak on the issues they have in their environment. What if theres nothing dividing the rules, powers, and rights of humanity? Everything would be overpowered by one person. No one would have the power or advantage to make a change. The Constitution efficiently protects the individual liberties of the people because through out the Ideal Society, the citizens used petitions, freedom of speech, and attempt of impeachment to protect their community. Use your voice, it really makes a difference.

Are We Thinking About You??

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Dear Viewer,

I improved my essay and i like it because i have a good intro and conclusion but im not to sure of my details. I think i have good details but when i read it it just doesn't seem to fall in place. What do you think?


where will you be 4 years from now? Are you sure you're even graduating? I know i am due to my confidence, my intelligence, and more importantly, my family. The first thing i mentioned was my confidence. I am very self - motivated. No one needs to push me to do anything because i want to do everything on my own. Since i have such a high self-esteem, i will never let anyone put me down. I can do anything as long as i put my mind to it and i stay focus on my goals.
Secondly,i am very intelligent. Not just because of my grades, but because i am a good decision maker. I am very determined to meet my personal goals. I'm known to push and strive to be the best. i am also known to be a good thinker. When an assignment is given, i already have my thoughts planned out and it very clear for what needs to be done. Other wise i just ask!!!
Last but not least, my family is going to help me graduate. They are always here to help guide me through every obstacle i come in contact with. My family supports me and my dreams no matter how silly or serious they are. They are very strong minded on seeing me become successful, so i don't want to let them down.
In final analysis, i am graduating because i am confident, i have the intelligent and my family is here for me. i bet you don't even know why you're graduating.

Malissa Pic

In Malissa's picture she was posing trying to look cute. She was feeling pretty good about herself. She was thinking "Im going to make everybody think Im so nice and sweet, but I know Im a bad girl I just never get caught". This photograph was specifically taken to be put on her myspace. I think this photograph would be titled "Mislead".

Thursday, October 11, 2007

I Cant Stand These Limitations

I dont think that myspace should be blocked because its just another way of communication. Facebook is not blocked. Myspace and facebook are basically the same thing. I just think that if myspace was unblocked that the profile should be set to private. I dont think thats fair.

What Technonlogical Device Do You Need?

I cant live without my alarm clock because it keeps on schedule for my important events.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Philsophy of Government

I Believe that government is necessary because it protects our rights, expand our resources, and makes the world a better place for us. There is already alot of crime with the government involved. So what if there was no government at all?