Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Independant Service Hours

My independant service hours were hell!!! I did babysitting, i washed dishes, i did chores, and the whole nine yards.It was very tiring. I learned it is not easy running a household, like watching out for the kiddies, cleaning, and cooking. It's alot of hard work. In the future i will not choose house chores for other people as service learning!

Serevice Learning Rubric

If i had give myself a service learning grade, i would give myself a perfect score because i feel as though i cooperate, i listen, i help others, i stay on task, i research, and i am prepared for every session. Dont you think i deserve a perfect score?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Service Learning 5-15-08

This session was not very informational. basically all we did was discuss ideas of how to get things over to Africa. here are our Ideas:
• Flip flop drive

1. Bring flip flops to wear flip flops
2. Flip flop party
3. Testing out how to get people to bring in flip flops
4. Ideas of other people by having them fill out a survey.
• Watched a movie on Darfur
• Discussed different ideas of how to get people involved.
One achievement we accomplished is people awareness. I am glad we were able to began awaring people and we are beginning to gain support from our peers.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Service learning 5-9-08

this session for service learning was very formal. the only major thing we discussed was how we are going to start people awareness. we are going to do that by doing brochures and passing them out to people, also by speaking vocally. I hope we really get through to people because the conditions in darfur are bad and they are worsening.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

This Week For Service Learning....

This week for service learning i hope to began the process of awaring people about the situation in Darfur and hopefully we can get at least 1-2 Darfur sponsors this week. This is all i expect to get started for this week. So i hope we can accomplish this step so we can enter phase 2 and come closer in making a difference in the lives for the citizens over in Darfur.

Africa Video Blog

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Extra Credit

In my opinion Lincoln & Obama to me are very alike. They both have views similar to equal rights and are willing to state them. Obama has came out and openly talked about the civil rights movement of the 1950's - 1960's. To contrast their two speeches I would have to say that lincoln's speech about the Dred Scott case was a big turning point. Lincoln used to the Constitution as his evidence to back up his claims and interpret our founding fathers. Obama also a lawyer for the Harvard law review used to the Constitution as his evidence too. i belive if Lincoln could win through all the convestries going on the Obama has a chance .

Monday, May 5, 2008

Service Learning # 3

Last weeks service learning went really well. we talked about alot things such as:
  • Fundraising
  • Website Ideas
  • Walk-a-Thon Ideas
  • Research(extra info)
  • Creating a Forum
  • Create a website
  • T shirts
  • Raise money for walk a thon
  • Advisory give out papers and sponsers
  • People awareness
  • Money to refugee camps
  • Have information section at School District of Philadelphia start up darfur community group
  • Make awareness posters
  • Benefit dinner(possibly)
  • Wear rist bands
  • Go to other school and give presentations about Darfur
  • Read to younger kids about darfur
  • Get sponsers.
  • Do an open house and sell things related to darfur
  • Get mayor nutter involved
  • Get former refugees of darfur here to speak about their experiences at the camps
  • Combine with others from different areas that are working on the same topic
  • Write letters to get get people tp sponser us
  • Wirte letters to our school partners
  • Donations
  • Advertise for certain needs and let them know what we are trying to do
  • Fundraising(Ideas)
  • Grants
  • Introduced Darfur Related Website
  • Getting People invovolved
  • Find out needs
  • We already have people who want to help
  • Throughly read website:
  • find a book to presentation
  • try to participate in walk a thon
  • must be committed to working on project
  • research programs already trying to help darfur
  • Georgia and Lakisha: Writing letter for sponserers
  • Sahrde, Terrence, and John: documentary on awareness
  • Chyann and Kate: Make brochure about Darfur.
  • Stephen and Bart: Find contacts for people to help us.
  • are we going to make our own t-shirts?
  • how are we going to get our money to Darfur's refugees?
  • Can we connect with people in darfur?
Next for service learning i would like to start the people awareness process of the project.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Today for Service Learning.......

Today for service learning i plan to organize everyone's ideas and come to the conclusion of how we are going to help Darfur so we can begin the process. I just think the first step is to aware people about the situation. I will begin doing that today.