Monday, January 21, 2008

Rita Dove was born in Akron, Ohio on August 28, 1952. When she was a young girl, she never thought that she would become a writer. Though she loved to read and write as a child, the thought of making a living writing did not occur to her until she was a senior in high school. Though as a child, Dove did not see herself as a writer , she loved learning about language and would use her weekly assigned spelling words to create prose work she titled "Chaos". In forth grade dove wrote poem "the Rabbit With the Droopy Ear". In both cases Rita let the words shape the event of her work, she used this trait throughout her career.

Rita was a book worm, she loved reading and writing. Dove wanted to be a doctor's or a lawyer's wife, but due to the expectations adults surrounded her with, she realized she could obtain a much higher profession. Rita was constantly changing her major as a freshman, but she started her sophomore year as a English major. She was inspired by her writing instructor to become a writer. By her junior year Rita decided that she wanted to become a poet, so she continued to study English and language arts. he began publishing her work in mid-1970's.

Rita Dove's On the Bus with Rosa Parks collection examines the personal, inner feelings of the self and connects those feelings to universal experience. One of Dove's most profound attributes is her willingness to get a history that is not told. She is a controversial writer because she shows both the positive and negative characteristics of human nature, whether they are African America or White American.

Rita Dove inspires me because for one she is an African American Female Writer and she tell both sides to the story not just good or bad.

Friday, January 18, 2008

i Know i need a A

Dear, Mr. Romero,

Who is your favorite student? Who completes all their work and hands it in on time? Who calls you "Mr. Ro"? Who deserves an “A”?
I know I deserve an “A” in English class because I do all my work, I improved my behavior, and I’m just simply me.
Now Mr. Romero there's no even denying that I don’t do ma work. Every assignment you handed out, I did . I may have complained a little bit, but I still got it done. And you know how much I despised Huckleberry Finn. Who was one of the few who handed the in assignment completed and on time? I was.
A while ago when I was sitting at the table with all my friends, I back talked you and I didn’t listen to you. As of today, I listen to what you say and I hardly back talk you. Additionally, I take out my headphones when you tell me to. If that’s not improved behavior I don’t know what is.
Last but not least, im just me. “Georgia Mink”. So up front with everything, loving, and so smart. You know you're going to miss me so you might as well go ahead and give that “A” and let me leave a good memory of your class. You would give me a “A+” if you really care!!
In conclusion I deserve an “A+” because I complete all my work, I improved my behavior, and you love me!! Come on be serious, why wouldn’t you give me an “A”?

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Should Parents Be Allowed to Hit Their Kids?

Should parents be allowed to hit their kids? I believe so because it’s a form a discipline, you will be able to keep your child in their place, and it helps you get your point across.
Don’t you know those kids who just don’t listen? Talking doesn’t work. So 96% of the time if your child doesn’t listen and is constantly disobeying you, your next instinct is to start swinging. When you hit your children you let them know whose boss. A quick smack will say “now stop” without you having to say a word.
Sometimes the youth get out of hand. Like for example in the supermarket. You tell them they cannot have something. They begin to act out. What do you do? Give them what they want and show that when they want something all they have to do is act out to get it? Or smack them upside the head and show them who has the upper hand? Other times your youngsters back talk you when you’re in the wrong mood. Back hand them and they will think twice before those smart remarks slip out through their lips.
Hitting your child is a form of punishment. That doesn’t mean abuse your authority. Huck’s dad abused him. He hit him for simple things and locked him up when he wasn’t home. That’s not civil. Be realistic. Kids will be kids but sometimes they act too grown and they need to stay in their place. Don’t let the force take advantage of you.
In conclusion, parents should be able to hit their kids because you get your point across quicker, it’s a form of discipline, and you will be able to keep your child in their place. Why shouldn’t parents hit their kids?