Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ideas For Thursday

I have only a few ideas for Thursday's service learning session. I Think that our main focus should be to make people aware of what is going on over there and try to convince them to help by fundraising money.

Lasts Week Service Learning

Last Week during Service Learning we learned new facts and discussed new things like:
Facts about Darfur
• It began in 2003
• In 2004 there were 50,000(15 months after the genocide started)
• Over 400,000 people were killed since 2003
• Caused 2.5 million refugees
• 100 plus people killed a day/5,000 people killed a month
• Death toll is 50% of their population
• The government helped Janjaeed rape and kill people in Darfur
• Government purposely stooped supporting Darfur
• U.S pressed the president of the U.N peacekeeper step in because 7,000 African union troops are not able to provide adequate security.
• The government is trying to demolish Darfur’s entire population because they feel as though they are ethnically different

• Brainstormed fundraising ideas.
• Watched a video on Darfur.
• Talked about how people ignore the past and how something needs to be done.
• Organization of programs.

Roaming Questions
• Why is the government trying to wipe these people out?

Bring in Something To Share.

The facts about Darfur were very useful. How we are going to help was very unsuccessful. It is kind of difficult to choose one area when the whole country needs help. For the up coming weeks we need to work on how we are going to help Darfur. In the group i am the minute taker.

Friday, April 18, 2008


In yesterday's 2nd service learning session we had a big debate over what was more important helping people in Darfur or getting Africans get a better education. We came to the conclusion to help the genocide in Darfur because "we can not help people get education if there is no people to teach." We also talked about how it was going to be a longer process but we can achieve it. One concern we had is we don't know what our money is going to......

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Service Learning

I researched schools in Africa and I am beginning to gain more knowledge of the kind of education they get. This helps me with my project because it expands my knowledge of want they need and how soon they need it. Every time i read something else about the schools it inspires me to help them. It also helps me because now I really see how fortunate we are today. They have very few supplies and need more; we have tons of supplies and we destroy and write on them. They are shoved together with almost 100 kids to each class and they all sit down and keep quiet while the teacher is teaching; we have a minimum of 15 students to a class and our teacher is interrupted every 5 seconds over nonsense. Africans have o be taught in the worst weather conditions; we have heat and air and we always complain about being hot or cold. Africans have to go to school hungry several days in a row; we get offered breakfast and lunch and complain about how nasty it is. All these differences help me understand how much help they need and this is the least of their problems and they still have a whole positive attitude about things in life. They really value their education but i also want to help resolve some of the other problems in Africa. Africa are the poorest continent but i can't everyone in Africa. I wish I could.

Friday Serivce Learning

In Fridays service learning session, we talked about various ways to help Africa. we tried to identify their biggest problems such as food, living conditions, medical conditions, schooling, and everyday resources. We came to the conclusion that we were going to fund raise money going towards school supplies. It has to be pretty hard to learn with 100 students in one class. I think we all came to this decision because we all realize how much Africans value their education. I liked how everyone had a chance to speak their opinion. I also liked how we eliminated the topics that didn't make much since and I love how we are getting a chance to help others. I disliked how all my ideas got eliminated!! Everything else i pretty much agreed with. In final analysis, we plan to help Africans reached their goal of getting the same and equal education as we do.